Tuesday 3 January 2017

Shouldn't be long now

At long last we have a dog in season! Dime came in a couple of days ago (9 months after the last one!) so the other entire girls, including Spirit should follow in the next few days :)

The dogs are looking very shaggy at the moment because, after years of wanting one, we are finally waiting for my new purpose built dog bath to be delivered and rather than struggle upstairs with them to use our bath, which is what I have always done, I am going to wait until their own bath is plumbed in, especially as after being here 11 years we have at last had our hall, stairs and landing decorated and I do not want wet dogs shaking over the newly painted walls!


Anonymous said...

Yay!! Cant wait for puppies :)

aj said...

Great news Jane, who will you mate her with? she has such stunning markings.

aj said...

Great news Jane, who will you mate her with? she has such stunning markings.