Monday 13 November 2017

Poodle fun on the beach

We didn't manage to sort a reunion out this year, but we have managed a couple of poodle meet ups, one of which was yesterday on our favourite beach, Saunton Sands. As it happens most of the dogs attending were bred by me, and one of the ones that wasn't is a Dollar Grandson. The weather was 'interesting' we had strong winds causing mini sandstorms, a heavy burst of rain/hail and some much appreciated sunshine. Here are some of the pics from today, as ever, more can be found on my account (link on the right of this page).

This week also saw my dogs suffering severe trauma, when I have young kittens I don't encourage contact between them and the dogs, unpredictable kittens with sharp claws running amok through a group of dogs who are essentially a hunting breed is just not a risk I want to take. The kittens that I have kept are now of a size where I feel the risk has pretty much passed (my dogs are fine with the adult cats) so this week saw their first evening all together. The dogs spent most of the evening grouped together and totally unable to relax, lol. The 2nd night was a lot more comfortable for all of my pets and now all are happy to chill together :)

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